Do you need quick workouts to get your day started right?
Our personal well-being and health are often overlooked when life is hectic. But taking care of your health should be a top priority.
Because of the length of many workouts, people are often discouraged from keeping a regular fitness program. They are more likely stay motivated and committed to exercising daily for longer periods of time if they do workouts that last less than half an hour.
We’ve gathered 9 great morning routines that will jumpstart your metabolism right after you get out the door. These routines can be completed in a matter of minutes, and don’t require any special equipment.
To avoid injuries, it is important to do proper stretching before starting any exercise. Warm up by marching in place or other forms of marches. After completing the exercises, cool down.
1. Dr. Oz’s Morning Workout: 7 Minutes
2. Starter Fat-Burning Morning Workout
3. Metabolism Boosting Busy Mornings HIIT
4. 10-Minute Morning Weight Loss Workout
5. Before Breakfast Mini Morning Workout
6. Yoga for Weight Loss: 15 Minutes
7. 5-Minute Jumpstart to Metabolism
8. 5-Minute Morning Metabolic Boosting Workout
9. #4 Minutes, No Excuses Workout #1