How to practice the 2-minute walking habit

Benefits of Incorporating the 2-Minute Walking Habit into Every Hour

The simple act of walking for two minutes each hour can help prevent or reverse the damage we have discussed.

Brain Function Increased

Your brain pumps blood when your muscles are active. The flow of fresh blood triggers all kinds of chemical reactions that improve brain function and mood. It opens up the blood vessels that are constricted and can cause headaches.

Vital Organ Health

It relieves the pressure on our hearts and allows us to relax after a long day. It also decompresses other organs, allowing them to breathe.

Eliminating Neck and Back Problems

Walking allows your spine to relax, which can help relieve back pains as well as degenerative disc problems.

Maintaining Bone Strength and Muscle Tone

Walking helps to maintain bone strength and muscle tone.

Improved circulation in the legs and feet

Walking improves circulation and prevents thrombosis and varicose veins. Walking can also reduce neuropathy symptoms like numbness and tingling in the feet.

How to incorporate the 2-minute walking habit into your daily routine

Every lifestyle change must be accompanied with a plan to implement the new habit into your daily life. You’ll fall short of your best intentions and slip back into old patterns.

These suggestions might help you get started.

  • You can set a timer. Use your phone or watch. As a reminder, if you listen to music or natural sounds while working, turn them off at the hour. After completing a task lasting about an hour, get up and walk.
  • Make your bathroom breaks, coffee breaks, lunch breaks, etc. Make sure you are moving instead of sitting down (maybe the “employee lounge” should be renamed).
  • Set up your office so that you can get up and walk around to access files or other supplies.
  • Instead of sending an email, walk to the office or station of another employee with a memo.

Get on Your Feet

If you are like me, you get too involved in what you’re doing that you forget to take a break, get moving again, and stop getting so wrapped up in it. It’s not hard to see the many health risks that prolonged sitting can cause. So, why not make a lifestyle change that will help you live longer and get rid of all those aches? Take a stroll and enjoy your short life.

To help you lose weight or keep it off, you can also start a daily habit of walking.

We welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions to get out of our seats and onto our feet.